Here at Manurewa South we ‘Keep it R.E.A.L!’
Respect – Whakuate
Excellence – Panekiretanga
Attitude – Waiarotia
Lifelong learners – Manawanuitanga
Manurewa South school enjoys a foundation of dual heritage and embraces the multi-cultural nature of the community. We provide a secure, caring and positive environment in which each child is encouraged to realise their own unique potential.
We endeavor to ensure that each student at our school receives the highest quality education possible and we urge parents, caregivers together with our community to join with us in promoting excellence.
Keeping it REAL: Respect, Excellence, Attitude, Life Long Learners
We have a great staff who are working hard as a team to provide the best possible learning opportunities for our students. As a team, we are involved in quality practices in literacy and numeracy.